MineChat Mobile App Reviews

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It was good until...

I was unavailable to my computer for Minecraft so I installed MineChat. I signed in and typed in the servers. When I scrolled down to join the server, I could not click on it because it was too far below the screen. The screen was too full of promoted and featured servers... guess you gotta get money somehow...

Useless as of now.

Fails to authenticate when joining any server.

Amazing! But one issue...

Absolutely great if you get the full version, the demo/sample works well for just chatting in one server but Id recommend the full version. The only issue I have is that if you update MineChat theres a chance itll be updated to the lasted two version of minecraft (such as 1.9) where servers are still lower in versions (1.8) and you cant join it. Other then that its a very good app for checking in on things or popping in a server to say hi!

Many many bugs

People have constantly reported the same bugs over and over yet no one has fixed them. 1.) Everytime you close the app completely it asks you to configure your settings which should only happen if you remove and reinstall the app. 2.) Invalid Credentials. Even if theyre correct this will show up whenever trying to join a server and usually stays that way for a few hours. 3.) Sometimes it will disconnect you from a server for no valid reason, just because it feels like it. If they were to fix these common bugs, Im sure a lot more people would suggest this app.

The Server Under Page Bug

So I try to use minechat and when I try to join my own server I cant! The page is too full of other servers. You could start by making the page bigger or removing the featured servers taking up the whole page! And the disconnect button is even farther under the page and when you try to pull the page down it snaps right back up! So Id fix this bug because it defeats the whole point of the app and the money I spent on it! Hoped this helped. Bye!

Did not work at all

I did everything right but when I tried joining a server it said I was disconnected and said failed to authenticate and make sure you are using the right email address (which I checked like 5 times to make sure there were no typos) I hope this bug gets fixed and thanks.

Okay app, but not really worth it anymore.

Overall, it is an okay app which does the job...when it actually works. If you have any plans on getting this because you want to check on a server when you are truly on the go, then you should look elsewhere. This app no longer allows you to connect to a server with cellular data and forces you to use wifi if you want to even join the server, which isnt truly mobile. As a mod who travels a frequent amount, I found this app to be very useful until it downright stopped working with cellular data. As long as this is still an issue, I would only recommend this app to people who are just too lazy to log onto their computer.

Chat spam

I regret buying this app. Ill will connect and the chat just spams the same message over and over. Ive been on the server on my computer so I know its not the server. Going to request a refund from Apple.


It works when you know how to set it up. There are a few bugs here and there, but otherwise its perfect.

Great app!

This app allows me to see the chat and be active on any server! The others are just having problems that were resolved. I recommend this app to anyone who likes mc.

Fix this please

Please fix the issue that occurs when you exit out of the keyboard. For some reason whenever you do this, it disconnects you and its very annoying. The app used to work fine, I dont know what you guys did to it.


Worked well for the first few months, but when you put in your username and password, unless you have security questions, they steal your account


There needs to be a respawn button because when you die on Minechat you have to wait to respawn till you get home which defeats the purpose of Minechat! Fix this or I am refunding my purchase.

Doesnt work!!!

Cant read your own chat in 1.10. Players cant see most of your messages. Issue has been around for months with no fix. Dev team is inactive or simply doesnt give a crap. Dont name this product mineCHAT if you cant even effectively communicate with it.

Okay this is awesome

I tryed it and its very good I take back what I said I just cant be on ima try to use it while Im on

Unable to Validate

The app has been usefull in the past but this update has made it impossible to use. Whenever I try entering my login information that Ive always used it gives me an error message.

Worst update in history

Ok so Let me tell you this: I ENJOYED minechat a lot before this update. You could stay out of the app for minutes and stay logged on. I liked that. Now, I kept getting errors. Came back an hour. Tried the same thing. Different hour. Did the same thing an hour later. And it worked. You cant even leave for 20 seconds without it disconecting. Revert it back to the old update

Stupid update

You cant swipe left where the text you type is to send previous messages, you cant leave the screen the keyboard is to be able to see more of the chat without touching one of the messages & the stupid/annoying white highlighting around the message showing up, the white highlighting around messages when you touch them is annoying in my opinion. The way the new Players tab (see players on your server) is bad. In my opinion, it should be a full screen. The text from the chat is halved, and the names for some users are on 2-3 lines. Pls fix. You cant spam Send to send nothing anymore ;-; Also, sometimes the chat is moved a little bit to the right (the margin is increased)


My app keeps crashing when I open it for some reason, other than that its a good app


Better now that bugs are fixed

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